Sunday, April 29, 2012

Pet Peeve, Come'on... you got one

I haven't written in awhile. That bothers me. I have been thinking alot about my blog and I realize that it's not off the cuff writing. I think about what I want to write about, then I think about it some more... and then I have so over-thought whatever my subject matter was that I have a hard time getting it written! Those first few blogs I wrote inspired me, but now I find myself struggling.
I have been following a few blogs and I realize that it's more about jotting thoughts down. Which I can do, but will they come out as a great thought or a bunch of jumbled words? Guess I will ponder that thought and see what I can do with it. So with that said...

I have a pet peeve. I know it's dumb.

Most drivers on the road today know the basics about driving (at least I am trying to give them credit..) I don't see cars driving on the wrong side of the road because most get the flow of traffic. But get em in a parking lot and all bets are off. Nothing irritates me more than turning down an aisle clearly marked with an arrow only to find some idiot driving against the arrow, and then to give me the evil eye as if I were the idiot!! I know, I know... in the scheme of things this is relatively mild. But in my world it's HUGE!! There are many other infractions that happen in my driving world everyday! I feel this is the worst. I actually know a woman who was telling me about the guy who backed out of his parking spot only to bang into her car and it pushed in the entire passenger side of her car. As she is telling me this story, I am feeling her pain. "He just backed right into me!! And now his insurance doesn't want to fix it because he is saying it's my fault! He didn't even look before he backed out."
Ok, I am really feeling her pain. Until.... I discover... he did look before backing out. He just didn't look the opposite way because who drives against the arrows??
Good Freakin' Grief.

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