Wednesday, May 2, 2012

My kid had bruised knuckles...ONCE

A friend posted a blog ( about her daughter being bullied on her school bus on the same day I read an article about a 5year old being arrested in Florida on felony charges. What the hell is happening to our world?? What happened to having personal responsibilities? Have we just lost our minds?
It seems you can't do anything anymore without some vindictive idiot calling 'foul'. That old school raising I had has proved to be timeless. I lived in a house that taught respect for people and rules. I lived in a house that taught personal responsibility. I lived in a house that used corporal punishment. You break the rules - you suffer the consequences. There was no grey area. My siblings and I are none the worse for wear because of it. In fact, we each raised our children with the same set of rules.
The school we attended also used corporal punishment, which at that time did not require my parents permission to be administered. Again... you break the rules - you suffered. And if you did happen to get a paddling at school, it wasn't over... you had to go home and face the paddling you would get from the parental unit because you had the nerve to misbehave at school!!
Not anymore. I don't know how it happened but we have become a society afraid. Why? Because someone decided that respect was too much work? The parents of little ones today have a world of hurt waiting around the corner for them...
Case in point, the 5 year old in Florida who threw a temper tantrum, attacked and punched the asst. principle. ( The little girl was handcuffed and put in a police cruiser. Now the lawyer for the mother plans on suing. I watched the video. It is disturbing. But a good spanking would have changed the whole story! I agree that the police should NOT have handcuffed her. In fact, they should have done NOTHING until the parent was present. But it doesn't take away the fact that the little girl is a damn BRAT!
Another case in point, the 10 year old who attacked her teacher after she had her halloween candy taken away. ( Kick that kids ass!! Good grief!! So the little shit threatened the teacher saying she was going to kill her... she did NOT learn this at school!! If she thinks it's okay to make idle threats, well guess where she learned it!!

The parent with bad parenting skills (the child learns this behavior from somewhere......) will try to get a cash settlement because she is raising a future bully?? And this is going to change things? I think not. We have coddled the stupid long enough!! And just what are they trying to reform?? You send your child to school to learn. To read, to write, to use the environment for social skills that will be needed as they become adults. No wonder we have so many stupid people who think the world owes them!! This has also put our schools at a disadvantage because of the fear of the personal retaliation from the parents. Start kicking their ass at home!! Kick their asses at school!! Teach them the difference between right and wrong. Lift each up to be an example of what happens when you misbehave!! I think what we lack most is teaching each child personal responsibility.
Oh but wait... I think that child has a problem.. we must remove said child from the regular classroom and put them in a special needs class. BULLSHIT!!  All that does is solidifies in that childs mind that their behavior grants them special privileges! Oh but their behavior leads me to believe they might need some sort of medication. Oh. My. God. We are already an over-medicated society... that's right teach them in elementary school that your best bet to get out of something is to be ON something!!! What a wicked circle.

My friend's child is being bullied on her bus. My friend told her child to rear back and give the bully a good solid punch in the nose. Yay!! Good for her!! Now most people would be against this type of advice but I am not. I taught both my kids to stand up for themselves and if it got them in trouble with school officials that it would be okay. Because I would be there to back them up and I would help them through whatever punishment deemed necessary for their crime. But I would be the biggest voice those officials would hear. Yes, I actually had to go the the school because my son took matters into his own hands. And yes, he was punished. In fact, the other parent took us to court to pay for the hospital bill because Kyle broke his nose. Which I gladly paid. But in the end my son learned a valuable lesson, stick up for yourself at all costs. And he told me years later that NO ONE EVER BOTHERED HIM AGAIN. So for my friends child, and all those whose children find themselves being tormented by a bully... one good poke in the nose is worth a million reprimands.

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